Make sure you use young tender drumsticks pods for cooking as old matured drumsticks pulp are hard and not suitable for cooking. However in Siddha Medicine, the seeds from matured drumstick pods are used for medicinal purposes Drumstick tree is very useful as the gum, bark, root, flower, leaves and fruit pods are used as medicine to treat many types of sickness and diseases.
Make sure you use young tender drumsticks pods for cooking as old matured drumsticks pulp are hard and not suitable for cooking. However in Siddha Medicine, the seeds from matured drumstick pods are used for medicinal purposes Drumstick tree is very useful as the gum, bark, root, flower, leaves and fruit pods are used as medicine to treat many types of sickness and diseases.
Drumstick fruit is good in improving men virility and women fertility level. Husband and wife should consume drumstick fruit at least once a week. This is because lack of sufficient and relevant hormones for progenating can lead to marital problems.
To have more nutritional value, add aubergines, drumstick fruit and sword beans (avarakai) or drumstick, sword beans (avarakai) and raw young banana (valakai) when cooking. It is not only nutritious but also produces good aroma if these 3 vegetables are added and cooked as “avial”