26th JAN 09: INDIGESTIONIf we were to fall sick or have any types of minor or major diseases, there will be no happiness in life as we will constantly be suffering from pain and vain. Sickness and diseases are mainly caused by improper diet. In short, we have to conclude that our health is determined from our kitchen. Individuals who are cooking for their family should understand that in our human body, we have 6 different types of nutrients which give fuel to the body, i.e. water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. If we want our body to function properly and efficient, we must eat 6 different types of food, i.e. sweet, sour, bitter, salty, hot and spicy and astringent. If you have a pitta body and you tend to vomit, you should avoid eating foods which are bitter. Make sure you eat at the proper time. We must eat 3 meals a day, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. However with today’s modern lifestyles, we tend to have our meals late at night or wee hours in the morning. This is not a good practice as late night meals will not be able to digest fast as the body is programmed to take rest. Lots of people also tend to drink carbonated drinks with a heavy meal. This will cause stomach bloatness as the stomach will be filled with gas due to improper digestion. When stomach bloatness occurs, it will cause uneasiness and for some people, it will lead to vomiting. How to remove stomach gas? Extract ginger juice and drink it as it is or slightly pound the ginger and add the ginger into a glass of boiling hot water. This will help ease bloatness and release gas from the body.