Joyweed leaves are rich in iron and if eaten frequently, the leaves will help
a) produce new blood cells
b) act as blood purifying agent
c) improve eye sight
d) and cools the eyes.
Joyweed is a cooling food and siddha of yester years used these leaves to treat eye related problems. If your eye sight is reducing, or feeling irritation or sensitive when there is sun light, shallow fry the leaves with a little ghee. Place the leaves on your eye lids and secure the leaves by tying a cloth around the eyes. You will notice a big difference within a day.
Joyweed leaves have a distinct smell and children will not be able to eat this vegetable due to the smell. Therefore to avoid the smell, add grated coconut when cooking the leaves as it will give sweetness and good taste to the dish.
Joyweed leaves are also effective in reducing heat in the anus area. To reduce and remove excess heat from the anus:
a) fry the leaves with ghee
b) consume with rice and ghee as your first course during your meal.
How to grow joyweed plant?
Take a small stem and plant in a pot. Water the stem everyday and within a few days the plant will start growing.