உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த பொங்கல் திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் !
உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த பொங்கல் திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் !Happy pongal 2010
உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த பொங்கல் திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் ! Read More »
உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த பொங்கல் திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் !Happy pongal 2010
உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் என் இதயம் கனிந்த பொங்கல் திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள் ! Read More »
VEGETARIANISM Most Indians tend to observe vegetarian diet at least two to three times a week. Some are life long vegetarians. There are many types of vegetarian: a) lacto vegetarian : Diet includes dairy products but not eggsb) vegan: Only plant based products are consumedc) lacto- ovo vegetarian: Diet includes dairy products and egg. No
BONE HEALTH Bones are very important. Lots of people, when they enter old age tend to suffer from broken bones. This could be due to lack of certain nutrients. Healthy bones require calcium and phosphorous. Calcium is found in milk, sardines, soya milk and yogurt while Phosphorous is found in milk and other types of
Bone health,elumbu Read More »
FOOD AND SICKNESS It is important to eat good food when we are ill as nutrients from the food will help strengthen our body. When we have fever, we normally eat porridge. This is not a good diet as rice porridge has high content of carbohydrate and less protein, vitamins and minerals. When preparing rice
FOOD SUITABLE FOR ADULTS Many old people who are 65 years and above suffer from malnourishment as they believe that they should eat less due to their old age. This is a wrong thinking as old people must consume lots of protein food, i.e. chicken, fish etc. Some old people have various types of sickness
OBESITY AND KIDS It is common for children to suffer from excess weight. Children who are obese have great tendency to suffer from hypertension and sugar related problems. There are many causes for a child to suffer from obesity.a) Medical reasonsb) The types of food they eat andc) lack of physical activity If your child
SUITABLE FOODS FOR BABIES (8 -10 MONTHS OLD) As previously mentioned, food should be blended when given to babies who are between 8 to 10 months old. Babies who are 8 months and above should be given mashed food. Egg white should not be fed to babies who are below one year old. You can
SUITABLE FOODS FOR BABIES (10 -12 MONTHS OLD) Babies who are between 6 to 8 months old should be given blended food.Babies between 8- 10 months should be given mashed and babies from 10 months onwards can be given solid food. However the solid food should be cut into small tiny pieces. Feed and introduce
SUITABLE FOODS FOR BABIES (6 – 8 MONTHS OLD) How do you feed your baby and what are the types of food you can feed your baby who has reached 6 months old? a) Babies who are at this stage can start eating rice, vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are to be steamed and blended. Fruits
COMPLIMENTARY FOOD FOR BABIES Many parents make lots of mistakes when preparing food for their babies. When the food they prepare is tasteless, they tend to season the food with Soya sauce or salt. It is very important to avoid the use of sugar and salt when preparing food for infants who are below the
SUITABLE FOOD FOR BABIES A new born baby should be given mother’s milk continuously for 6 months. After 6 months, you can slowly introduce various type of food. Some mothers may get confused on determining the right type of food to be given to their baby. After the 6th month, it is important to give
Suitable food for babies Read More »
CONFINEMENT PERIOD Many cultures have various types of beliefs and restrictions for women who are in their confinement period. Some cultures believe newly delivered women should not eat vegetables, drink lots of water, eat cooling foods or heaty foods. If we were to analyse from the scientific perspective, some beliefs are true and some as
Confinement period Read More »
BREASTFEEDING It is important for a newly delivered mother to breast feed her baby as it provided lots of benefits to both mother and child. Benefits to the mother:a) By breast feeding, the mother’s excess fat will be burnt. Excess fat gained during pregnancy will be easily burnt when breast feeding. This is because the
FOOD AND PREGANT WOMAN Some pregnant women have the wrong perception of the need to eat more and consume more nutrients during their pregnancy period. In order to gain more nutrients, they tend to purchase various types of vitamin supplements. However we have to have the awareness that not all types of vitamins are suitable
MORNING SICKNESS Morning Sickness is very common among women who are from her first to third month of pregnancy. Morning sickness could be due to hormonal changes or the type of food that is consumed. Those who suffer from morning sickness or nausea are advised to eat small frequent meals. By eating this way, morning
It is important for pregnant women to pay attention on the types of food they eat as the nutrient from the food will also be absorbed by the baby. Within 9 months of pregnancy, women will put on weight from 9 to 13 kilos. This extra weight is an indirect way of determining the baby’s
HOW TO CHOOSE HEALTHY PROCESSED FOOD Besides checking the expiry date, we should also place importance in checking the food label. Food label is very important as it provides vital information whether the food is nutritious or high in calorie. If you are not able to read and understand the nutrient content displayed on the
Selamat hari raya …kepada semua pelangan yang menyambut HARI RAYA…Selamat hari Raya.Dari padaAGASTHIAR SIDDHA VAITHYA NILAYAMAS03 404 13 505agatshia@yahoo.com
14th AUGUST 09: WHITE TURMERIC (poolan kilangu)Different culture use white turmeric in different ways.Chinese tradition boils white turmeric to gargle their mouth. The boiled turmeric water helps remove bacteria, infection and cures teeth related problems.Malays use white turmeric leaves (cekur in BM) to treat women who are in confinement period.a) Ashes from the dried burnt
13th AUGUST 09: SKIN PROBLEMNot many of us have smooth and clear skin. Some individuals especially teenagers will either have pimples on their face or pimple like/boils all over their upper back.To help remove any type of skin problems, it is effective if you were to apply turmeric paste over the affected areas. This is
12th AUGUST 09: WHITE PUMPKINIndian Tradition believes in the concept of evil eye and there are many remedies and rituals to cure and help remove evil eye.Some of the many methods are:a) by having “black pottu” on baby’s cheekb) hanging a white pumpkin outside a new house to ward off evil and bad negative energy
10th AUGUST 09: LEMON GRASSLemon grass leave is fragrant. Dried lemon grass leave are effective to be burnt together with incense as the smoke acts as an insect repellent.Smoke produced from lemon grass and holy basil leave have the properties to ward off mosquitoes. Therefore instead of throwing the leaves, dry and store as it
7th AUGUST 09: CUSTARD APPLETo have a healthy body, we need to eat lots of fruits. Custard apple is one fruit that has been forgotten and has many medicinal values.The black seeds are not to be eaten. However keep the seeds as it is effective in treating boils and rashes. Powder the seeds and apply
6th AUGUST 09: CAPSICUMCapsicum comes in 4 colors, red, green, yellow and orange and is widely used as a vegetable in western countries. In Malaysia, capsicums are used as a garnish or used in salads. Instead of using chilies in your cooking, you can omit them with capsicum.Capsicums are good to be consumed regularly by
5th AUGUST 09: WHITE CRYSANTHEMUMTake 5 dried white chrysanthemum flowers and soak in hot boiling water. You can add sugar to give good taste and aroma to the drink.Medicinal values obtained by consuming chrysanthemum tea:a) helps reduce excess weightBesides using white chrysanthemum flowers, you can omit the flower with dried jasmine flower, dried hibiscus flower
White crysanthemum Read More »
3rd AUGUST 09: BRINJALBrinjal or eggplant comes in many varieties. Brinjals are low in calorie and rich in potassium, sodium and folic acid. Obese or overweight individuals are advised to eat brinjals to help them lose weight.However those who suffer from rashes or any type of skin disease are strictly forbidden to eat brinjals. Brinjals
31st JULY: BITTER GOURDWe have 72,000 nerves and for each nerve to function effectively, we need to consume food which is bitter in taste. This is because the properties in bitter food aids in strengthening the nerves.Bitter gourd and its leaves have many medicinal values. To kill stomach worms and help clean your stomach, consume
30th JULY 09:TURMERICTo cultivate a turmeric plant, break either a dried turmeric or raw turmeric into half and plant in a pot filled with soil.Pound and extract the juice of a small piece of raw turmeric.Pound and extract the juice of one clove of garlic.Pound and extract the juice of one small onion or one
29th JULY 09:BURDOCK ROOTPeel the skin off and cut the root into small pieces. You can either make soup or stir fry the root. The root is available in supermarkets and is treated as a vegetable among the Chinese community to treat sickness and diseases.Benefits of consuming the root:a) effective in melting kidney stonesb) good
28th JULY 09: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITISRheumatoid Arthritis attacks when vata or gas gets trapped in between the joint areas. When this happens, it will effect the nerves and bones and causes extreme pain and swelling.Those who suffer from arthritis area) strictly forbidden to bathe in cold water. If you are suffering from extreme pain, add salt
JULY 09: RAW TURMERICAccording to Hinduism, taking a human birth is a great privilege. This is because by taking the human body alone can one attain the goal of life. It is also stated in the scriptures that humans can live to more than 100 years. But how many of us are able to live
24th JULY 09: CORNCorn has many medicinal values. Some babies will not have any teeth even after they are 1 to 1 � years old. To cure this problem, boil the kernels of young corn or blend the kernels and feed your baby continuously for 2 – 3 days. You will see amazing results! Teeth
23rd JULY 09:DRIED PEA AUBERGINES ( sundakai vathal)Pea aubergine is rich in vitamin C and calcium. Slightly dry the pea aubergines and soak in buttermilk “mooru” and salt. Dry the soaked pea aubergines again under the sun for a few days until it is completely dried. InTamil the dried pea aubergines are called sundakai vathal.The
22nd JULY 09:EPILEPSYToddlers when they start to walk, they tend to fall and have bruises. If they fall on their head, it can cause internal damage to the head. The fall or internal injury can lead to epilepsy.Epilepsy can also be caused by a) Severe constipation b) Excess phlegm c) High feverd) Lack of ironEpilepsy
21st JULY: DRIED AVARAM FLOWERSDried Avaram Senna flowers are best to be prescribed as tea. When boiling the tea, add dried ginger, coriander leaves and cardamom pods. This beverage is a good substitute for tea and coffee.Dried Avaram Senna flowers are good in producing blood and increases blood flow.Avaram flowers, leaves, root, bark and gum
20th JULY 09:NOCHI LEAVESThere are three types of nochi leaves, one leaf nochi, three leaved nochi and five leaved nochi. Nochi leaves are effective in curing ‘vata’ related problems, i.e. body pain, muscle pull and back pain.To remove excess vata or gas from the body, either a) boil the leaves and inhale the steam b)
17th JULY 09: LEMONThere are different varieties of lime. All types of lime are rich in vitamin C.Lime juice is effective in curing morning sickness among pregnant women.Morning sickness among pregnant women happens when pitta predominates in the body. To normalize the level, lime juice is normally consumed.Lemons are good to be made pickles. Cut
16th JULY 09: SWEET TURNIP (sengkuang)In Siddha Medicine, sweet turnip juice is used to prepare medicines for post natal women. Sweet turnip is good to be consumed by women who are breast feeding as it helps to secrete more milk.Sweet turnip juice is also a good combination to be added with carrot juice as it
15th JULY 09: SWEET BEVERAGESChildren love to drink sweet beverages. Instead of buying cordials from supermarkets which has high sugar content and chemicals, try making your own sweet beverages at home.a) Boil Pandan leaves with sugar until it turns into thick syrup. Bottle it This beverage cools the body and helps burn fat.b) Extract one
14th JULY 09: ELEPHANT YAM (senai kilangu)Elephant Yam is good in treating piles patients. Patients who are suffering from asthma, sinus, cold or running nose are strictly forbidden to eat elephant yam. This is because elephant yam is a cooling food and it will aggravate the condition even more.This vegetable is only suitable for heaty
13th JULY 09: ROOT VEGETABLEIn previous episodes, many types of leaf and root vegetables have been discussed. Potatoes are considered a root vegetable and are regarded as a gassy food. It has high carbohydrate content and should not be eaten regularly.Elephant Foot Yam is the total opposite. It is regarded as a cooling food and
9th JUNE 09:SENSITIVE PLANT (thottal sinugi)This plant has many medicinal properties and is highly spoken by siddhas of yester years. This plant is very sensitive whereby the leaves closes by itself when it is touched.The roots have the capability of melting kidney stones. Stones are naturally formed when there is excess accumulation of toxins in
8th JUNE 09: SUNFLOWER SEEDSSunflower oil is extracted from the seeds and is rich in vitamin E. There are many types of oil. Tamils regards gingerly oil and coconut oil as good oil while other cultures and traditions regards sunflower oil and date seed oil as good oil. In general any oil which is extracted
3rd JULY 09:NONA (Mengkudu)Nona trees grow in tropical countries. Nona leaves and fruit have many medicinal values and is used widely by Australian aborigines from years of yore.Grind or pound Nona leaves and apply on small or big wounds. The leaves have the properties to heal and dry the wounds.Grind or pound unripe nona fruit
1st JULY 09:DRIED SENNA LEAVESSome Tamil families still practices giving their young children a tablespoon of castor oil once a month to help clear and flush dirt out from their body system.By drinking the oil, worms will be killed and toxins will be flushed out.The flushing of waste and toxins from the body will help
30th JUNE 09:DAUN SETAWAR PADANG (Rana kali)Children to adults of all ages are prone to suffer from boils which can develop in any part of the external body. Boils are normally formed when one’s glands or enzyme are not functioning properly. When this happens, toxins will start to accumulate and leads to formation of boils.
Daun setawar padang Read More »
29th JUNE 09: HENNA LEAVESWhen pitta predominates in the body, palms will be itchy and soles will have a burning sensation. To cure the itchiness and burning sensation, pound henna leaves with either slaked lime (sunambu) or lime juice. Apply on your finger tips, palms and soles.The root of henna tree are said to have
22nd JUNE 09: SNAKE PLANTSnake plants grow in dry areas and do not need much water to grow. This plant only requires sun light and moisture from the wind to live. The leaves are generally used for medicinal purposes.In Indian Traditional Medicine,the juice is normally squeezed out by heating the leaves under a flame. The
16th JUNE 09: COMMON RUE (Aravatham Pacchai)The leaves have strong fragrance and in Tamil tradition, the leaves are used to tie around infant’s wrist. The strong fragrance, when inhaled by the infant, will increase and helps build good digestion system. Boil two leaves with water and consume the herbal drink. The herbal drink will cure
COMMON RUE (Aravatham Pacchai) Read More »
15th JUNE 09: SUNFLOWERSunflower plant is native to Mexico and during the 14th century, the sunflower production was brought out of Mexico and became famous in many countries due to its usage.The roots of the plants to its flower are used for various purposes. The head of the sunflower tend to follow the predominate direction
11th JUNE: BANANA FLOWER ( Jantung Pisang)Banana Flower has many medicinal values and rich in astringent properties. Foods which are rich in astringent properties are good in producing blood and works as a blood thickening agent.The astringent taste can be reduced significantly by adding the flower in “sambar”.The over powering taste can also be reduced
10th JUNE: RED SORREL ( Pulicha Keerai)Red Sorrel leaves are very sour. We should eat this vegetable as sourness is one of the six types of nutrients we need to consume to maintain a healthy body.Some cook the vegetable by boiling the leaves and throwing the excess water away. This is a wrong way of
5th JUNE 09: RAJA ULAMUlam Raja leaves are eaten raw and are used in Malay cuisine. The leaves are used for ulam, a type of Malay salad. The leaves have properties ina) increasing digestionb) removing excess gas from the body andc) help increase body strength The leaves cannot be cooked or juiced up. It has
4th JUNE 09: BEETROOTBlood is very important for our body. Individuals who have less blood count will tend to put on weight. To prevent this problem and to produce more blood, we normally opt to taking pills. Instead of consuming pills, it is better to consume fresh food which can act as a medicine. This
19th MAY 09: CURRY LEAVESCurry leave is a vegetable and is used in our daily cooking for taste and fragrance. In indian cooking, curry leaves are used for tempering and while eating, the whole leaves are taken out and thrown away. We should not throw away the leaves as it has many medicinal values. You
18th MAY 09: MANGOSTEENMangosteen is a seasonal fruit and its fruit bearing coincides with durian. Both fruits are god’s gift to mankind as mangosteen is created to balance the heat from the durian. Mangosteen is a cooling food and it has many medicinal values. Therefore try to eat the fruit whenever the fruit is in
mangoosteen ,manggis Read More »
15th MAY 09:AMARANTH LEAVES(Mulai Keerai)Mulai keerai’s root, stem, leaves, fruit and flowers has its own nutritional value.If the vegetable’s stem is big, throw away the root and utilize the stems to prepare soups. If the stem is thin and small, utilize the roots, stems and leaves when preparing a dish for your family. How to
AMARANTH LEAVES(Mulai Keerai) Read More »
14th MAY: CREPE JASMIN (Nandiavatta Poo)Our forefathers used to have this plant grown in temples as the fresh flowers are used as an offering to the Lords. The flowers are also used to treat eye problems or eye heatiness. The juice of the flower is used to treat 99 types of eye problems.When your eyes
CREPE JASMIN (Nandiavatta Poo) Read More »
1st MAY 09: PEA AUBERGINE (Sundakkai)Pea aubergine plant is bushy and spiny and plants that have torns and spines are said to have many medicinal values. Pea aubergines are eaten by cutting the fruit in half or slightly pounded and added in ‘sambal’ or “sambar”. Pea aubergines can also be added in “ulam”. Pea aubergines
சுண்டக்காய் PEA AUBERGINE (Sundakkai) Read More »
30th APRIL 09:HEADACHESIn western medicine, x-rays are taken to find the root cause of migraine and headaches. However even after various kinds of scans, there are some patients who are not able to permanently cure their head related problems. There are patients who tie or wrap small towel around their head very tightly to stop
29th APRIL 09:JOYWEED (Ponnanganni)Joyweed leaves are rich in iron and if eaten frequently, the leaves will helpa) produce new blood cellsb) act as blood purifying agentc) improve eye sightd) and cools the eyes. Joyweed is a cooling food and siddha of yester years used these leaves to treat eye related problems. If your eye sight
joyweed ponnanganni,பொன்னாங்கன்னி Read More »
28th APRIL 09:TENSIONHigh blood pressure is normally experienced by people who work long hours and undergo lots of tension and stress causing lack of sleep and improper food intake. To avoid high blood pressure, you need to solve and avoid situations which can cause tension and stress. To avoid tension, you need to make a
tension,டென்ஷன்,மன கலக்கம் Read More »
27th APRIL 09:KIWIFRUITThe nutritional values in kiwifruit provides strength and helps restore weak immune system The fruit should be given to ailing elderly patients and also patients who have been sick for a long time. Kiwi is also good for heart patients who has undergone an operation or just recovered from a mild or severe
கிவீ பழம்,kiwi fruit. Read More »
24th APRIL 09:COMMON RUE (Aravatham Pacchai)The leaves have strong fragrance and in Tamil tradition, the leaves are used to tie around infant’s wrist. The strong fragrance, when inhaled by the infant, will increase and helps build good digestion system. Boil two leaves with water and consume the herbal drink. The herbal drink will cure constipation
aruvatha pachai,அறுவதா பச்சை Read More »
23rd APRIL 09: BANANA FLOWER (Jantung Pisang)Banana Flower has many medicinal values and rich in astringent properties. Foods which are rich in astringent properties are good in producing blood and works as a blood thickening agent. The astringent taste can be reduced significantly by adding the flower in “sambar”.The over powering taste can also be
வாழைப்பூ,banana flower Read More »
22nd APRIL 09: RED SORREL (Pulicha keerai)Red Sorrel leaves are very sour. We should eat this vegetable as sourness is one of the six types of nutrients we need to consume to maintain a healthy body. Some people cook the vegetable by boiling the leaves and throwing the excess water away. This is a wrong
pulicha keerai,புளிச்ச கீரை Read More »
21st APRIL 09: WEAK WOMBWomen who are 40 years and above are very common to have womb related diseases. This is due to improper care after child birth, miscarriage or abortion which cause the womb to become weak. Women of yester years had more than 10 children and they were able to live a healthy
20th APRIL 09: WATER APPLE (Jambu Air)Water Apple not only tastes good but also has high water content and a great source of vitamin C. 70 % of our body consists of water and due to its high percentage of water content, water apple has the capability of quenching your thirst if you are not
17th April 09:CURRY LEAVESCurry leaves is a vegetable and is used in our daily cooking for taste and fragrance. In indian cooking, curry leaves are used for tempering and while eating, the whole leaves are taken out and thrown away. We should not throw away the leaves as it has many medicinal values. You should
curry leaves,கறி வேப்பிலை Read More »
16th APRIL 09:HEALTHIn today busy life, we fail to practise our forefather’s tradition of proper eating and way of living. If we were to practise their teachings, we will be free from major sickness and diseases and will lead a happy, healthy and long life. Siddha of yester years and our forefathers have taught us
15th April 09: PINEAPPLEWhen removing the skins of a pineapple, also remove the brown spots and the stem as it will irritate the tongue if the brown spots and stem are eaten together with the fruit.Those who have menstrual problems, it is advised to eat one whole pineapple. Pineapple fruit is a heaty fruit and
அன்னாசி பழம்,pineapple Read More »
13th APRIL 09: NEEM FLOWERS Neem flowers have the properties to kill germs and bacteria in the body. Boil the flowers and give a tablespoon of the boiled water to your children once a month. Your child will have an easy and healthy bowel motion and helps fight intestinal worms. Intestinal or stomach worms can
வேப்பிலை பூ,neem puu Read More »
10th APRIL 09:AMARANTH LEAVES(Mulai Keerai) Mulai keerai’s root, stem, leaves, fruit and flowers has its own nutritional value.If the vegetable’s stem is big, throw away the root and utilize the stems to prepare soups. If the stem is thin and small, utilize the roots, stems and leaves when preparing a dish for your family. How
amaranth leaves,முலை கீரை Read More »
9th APRIL 09:CREPE JASMIN (Nandiavatta Poo) Our forefathers used to have this plant grown in temples as the fresh flowers are used as an offering to the Lords. The flowers are also used to treat eye problems or eye heatiness. The juice of the flower is used to treat 99 types of eye problems. When
crepe jasmine,நந்தியாவட்டை Read More »
th APRIL 09:GRAPES In Malaysia grapes are grown in Cameron Highlands. There are around 8,000 types of grapes available in this world. Even though there are many varieties of grapes, the most common types of grapes we encounter are black, purple and green grapes. Black grapes have more medicinal values compared to purple and green
7th APRIL 09:HEALTH Health is very important to lead a happy life. However we tend to spoil our health by leading a wrong lifestyle which causes or leads to various types of sickness or diseases. Headaches, stomach pain, gas problems, hand, leg and joint pains are some of the sickness you will suffer if your
6th APRIL 09:ONIONS Onions are used in various dishes for thousands of years by many cultures around the world. There are many different varieties of onions, i.e. small onions, big red onions, white onions and yellow onions. All varieties of onions have the same nutritional and medicinal values. In India, poor families usually pour water
3rd APRIL 09:ROSE FLOWER Roses which are grown at home ground are best to consume and it has more medicinal values compared to roses which are specially cultivated in the farms. This is because specially cultivated flowers are grown with the help of chemicals. Soak rose petals in honey and add palm sugar, blend it
2nd APRIL 09:DAUN SETAWAR(Ranakali) Chikungunya is a very dangerous disease which is caused by mosquito. In India, enzyme from the leaves is taken to cure the life threatening disease. The thicker the leaves, the more toxic water it removes from the body.When there are excess toxins in the body, boils or growth will form on
ranakkalli,ரணக்கள்ளி Read More »
1st APRIL 09:AGATHI LEAVES In Malaysia, there are only a few trees and plants that can be used as food, i.e. drumstick leaves are taken from drumstick tree. Agathi leaves are taken from agathi tree. Agathi leaves are rich in Vitamin E, have the properties to kill germs, bacteria, and clears poison. If someone has
அகத்தி கீரை,agathi keerai Read More »
30th MARCH 09:WOMEN AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE Every teenage girls and woman should have their menstrual cycle once in every 28 to 30 days. If you do not get your period on time, the lower layer of your throat will swell up. The swelling of the throat indicates that there is a problem in your womb
women and menstrul cycle, Read More »
27th MARCH: NONI (Mengkudu) Siddha of yesteryears have prescribed many types of herbs for newly delivered women to consume to prevent them from having side effects, sickness or diseases which can be caused by improper care after delivery.NEWLY DELIVERED WOMEN who suffers from stomach pain or whose dirt are not completely removed during delivery can
26th MARCH: NONI (Mengkudu) This plant is originated from Queensland, Australia and grows very well in our country’s soil. This plant is currently being cultivated largely in rural areas.Noni leaves and its fruit were used by Hawaiian natives over 2,000 years ago. Noni fruit is known as “Hawaiian Magical Fruit” and the herbal plant has
25th MARCH 09: MINT (Pudina) Extract from mint leaves are used as a fragrance and gives an appealing taste in sweets and cigarettes. Mint are best to consume raw. Take 10 mint leaves and garnish on salads. By serving mint this way, you will be able to get your family members to eat raw mint
24th MARCH 09: ROSE FLOWER Roses which are grown at home ground are best to consume and it has more medicinal values compared to roses which are specially cultivated in the farms. This is because specially cultivated flowers are grown with the help of chemicals. Soak rose petals in honey and add palm sugar, blend
rose flower,ரோசா,ரோஜா Read More »
17th MARCH 09: CELERY Celeries are rich in nutrients and it has soluble salt properties which includes sodium, needed by our body. You can either stir fry or eat it raw as a salad. Blend 2 celery sticks and consume the juice. This will help reduce high blood pressure. If you feel your pressure is
13th MARCH 09: CAT’S WHISKERS PLANT (MISAI KUCHING) Cat’s Whiskers are widely found throughout South East Asia region, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. It is called “Misai Kucing” in Malay as the flower resembles the shape of a cat’s whiskers. Cat’s Whiskers leaves are very effective in cleaning urine and helps cure kidney problems. The
th MARCH 09: MANGOSTEEN Mangosteen is a seasonal fruit and its fruit bearing coincides with durian. Both fruits are god’s gift to mankind as mangosteen is created to balance the heat from the durian. Mangosteen is a cooling food and it has many medicinal values. Therefore try to eat the fruit whenever the fruit is
6th MARCH 09: PUNCTURE VINE (Nerinjal) Men are more prone to diseases than women. One of the many frequent diseases than men suffer is formation of urinary bladder stone.When men consume modern or traditional medicines, it will cause excess body heat. Once there is an increase heat in body fluid and the heat penetrates to
5th MARCH 09: KARIAPALAM Kariapalam is produced from the gum extracted for the aloe’s flesh. The gum, when dried will form a black hard rock and is an effective ingredient to heal wounds and swellings. How to prepare Kariapalam Solution?a) Pound a small piece of kariapalam.b) Add a little water or lime juice or rinsed
4th MARCH 09: AVARAM SENNA FLOWER (Avaram Poo) Avaram Senna trees can be seen in many places along the roads. This tree has more than 20 different varieties and each species has got is own medicinal values.Avaram flower is best to be consumed by diabetic patients. Make sure you wash and clean the flowers before
SAYUR MANIS (Tausi Murunga Keerai) Sayur Manis got its Tamil name “tausi murunga keerai” as this vegetable was eaten by sages and seers of yester years who were practicing austerity in deep forests. This vegetable has the properties to ward off hunger and feeling full for a long time. However this vegetable is a gassy
SAYUR MANIS (Tausi Murunga Keerai) Read More »
2nd MARCH 09: HYPERTENSION AND STAR FRUIT Hypertension or High Blood Pressure has become a common disease today. In every family, there will be one member, either the parents or grandparents who will be suffering from hypertension. Hypertension can be caused from mental tension, work stress or lack of sleep. Hypertension also occurs when body
28th FEB 09: SIDDHA MEDICINEWomen who have gone through child birth must take care of their body by taking the right food and different type of medicines to stay strong and healthy. Some women consume herbal medicines as leyham (Leigiyam) or have it added as a spice ingredient in their daily cooking. Delivered women who
சித்த வைத்தியம் siddha medicine Read More »
26th FEB 09: INDIAN ACALYPHA (Kuppameni)Indian Acalypha can be treated as a fresh herb or a vegetable. It grows every easily in rubbish or garbage areas and Indian Acalypha got its Tamil name, ��Kuppameni�� based on its growing place. Whenever a cat is sick, it will search for Indian Acalypha as it helps cure the
Indian acalypha குப்பைமேனி Read More »
25th FEB 09: HIBISCUS FLOWERHibiscus flower is our national flower and hibiscus tress are easily found along the roads and residential areas. Instead of using it for flower decoration and during payers, you can also eat it as it has loads of nutrients. Hibiscus flower has more than 200 different varieties and has a wide
hibiscus flower செம்பரத்தை பூ Read More »
24th FEB 09: INDIAN SPINACH (Pasalai Keerai)There are two types of Indian Spinach, Red Indian Spinach and White Indian Spinach. Red indian spinach has more nutritional value compared to white Indian spinach. This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, C and D and good for cooling the eyes. Any vegetable which gives a cooling effect
red indian spinach சிவப்பு பசலை கீரை Read More »
23rd FEB 09: YOUNG PAPAYAYoung papaya has many medicinal values compared to ripe papayas. When you cut a young papaya, its milk will ooze out. Take a small drop of the milk and apply on your gums when it is swollen, sore or infected. The milk will help reduce the swelling and fluid or puss
young papaya இளம் பப்பாளி Read More »
19th FEB 09: EDIBLE STEMMED VINE (Perandai)Edible Vine is very easy to grow and you can plant them in your house around the fence area. All it needs is daily watering. In Siddha medicine, edible vine is regarded as a fresh herb and effective in removing phlegm from the body. Edible Vine got its Tamil
edible stemmed vine பிரண்டை Read More »